Matt Kandler

iOS Developer / UX Designer / Full-stack developer / Brooklyn, NY /

Crafting online experiences designed that delight on every screen.

I’m an interface designer and full-stack developer who started out studying mechanical engineering and robotics. I believe better designs are often simpler designs. Fast iteration trumps pixel perfection. Shipping and learning is more important than waiting and launching. Always talk to users, but the user isn’t always right.

These days I’ve working full-time as a “painter” at 🏃‍♀️Runhouse🏠, an open source Python interface for ML infra teams.

Words & Code

How to Use Llama 3 Self-Hosted /  Duotone Image Filtering in Javascript /  If You Build It, They Might Come /  I Am Not Creative /  Full-stack Designer /  Thrive in Ambiguity /


Happyfeed [active] 😊 /  HoldOn - Vision Pro 🧿 /  Quixplore [dead] 📍 /  Dancing Sharks [∞] 🦈 /

Past client work

Anyscale / BarkBox / Care/of / Casper / Cityblock Health / Downtown Music / Gossamer / Managed by Q / Octave / Ollie / Smartwool / Spotify / Swehl /

Talk to me

Twitter (DMs open) or email ✉️


React / Next.js / Node / Swift / Objective C / React Native / Python / MongoDB / Shopify / Rails / PostgreSQL / Sanity / Contentful / Sketch / Figma / Apple Notes /